Once you soak in the commotion of Cossettas, you have to make the decision of getting a salad/entree or pizza. The salads and entrees are in one line to the left, and the pizza line is on the right. No matter what line you choose, you will not be disappointed. Each month they have a special pasta entree. October's pasta was a portobella mushroom ravioli. My parents each got the special, I got a caesar salad, and my brothers chose different pastas. Every single person was satisfied with their order. We were all very full by the time we were done eating.
The layout of the building is spread out between two floors. The bottom/main floor is full of food. Both the restaurant and market are located there. The main floor is filled with people telling you where to go and some workers have very thick Italian accents. On the top floor, there are tables. It may be complicated finding a table because of all the people crowded in. The workers are also going around picking up plates and helping out. In the left corner, there is a stand with water, glasses, silverware, and tops for your containers. Workers are constantly restocking the station so you'll never be without something. All the workers at Cossettas are highly trained and want you to have the best experience possible.
After your meal, go downstairs and look through the market. You'll want to do this after you're finished eating so you don't spend hundreds of dollars in their market. You can see the market on google maps at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=cosetta+eventi&layer=c&z=17&sll=44.943721,-93.104110&cid=1018202530702563952&panoid=sZ7pnEe0Rg3RJENCEIsPtQ&cbp=13,107.45683761713053,,0,0&hl=en&ved=0CD4Q2wU&sa=X&ei=wGWSTuS-M46-NtDf6YAJ
On your way out, stop at the front and grab some gelato to go.
If you're ever looking for a family friendly or romantic evening, head to Cossetta Eventi. The restaurant is perfect for any occasion. It feels like you're back in your grandmother's kitchen with your whole family. I suggest Cossettas for everyone who loves a good Italian meal.